Sharing Marketing Knowledge
Marketing has actually become misunderstood which has contributed to the catastrophic failure rates of small businesses which comprise 99% (which is 500 or fewer employees) of businesses in the USA. This is a decades-long problem: 33% of small businesses fail in 2-years; 50% fail in 5-years and 65.5% fail in 10-years per the Small Business Administration. This is a catastrophic failure rate that needs to be resolved! It beings by teaching companies the full understanding of marketing as Professor Keely teaches. Her supply chain marketing knowledge contributed to her winning the prestigious American Marketing Association Award which is the highest industry award.
Sales Strategy
How to Train, Motivate & Track Sales Efforts including the benefits of a CRM Database. Plus the difference between online and retail sales efforts.
Market Research
How to develop and use Primary & Secondary Research both traditional and online methodologies. Also how to use this data for branding and knowledge.
Brand Building
Sharing how success is now built on creating a strong brand. However, branding success now is not just for a corporate brand but for the principals to generate awareness.
Marketing Chain
The full-supply chain is what creates success but most people leave these decisions to non-marketers. This includes understanding the difference between external and internal marketing.